Tuesday, November 04, 2008

it's here

Well, it's all over now except the vote fraud.

If you're in Belfast tonight, come see me at Sally McCracken's Pub, political humor galore.

If you're in America, you know what to do.

Please Jesus, let it be a happy ending.

Carl and Ann correctly identified Van as George Ivan and thus are moondancing together on a cyber dancefloor in my mind.

I'm up all night tonight, Pennsylvania doesn't close until 1:00 AM over here, and then traveling back home tomorrow, so you may not hear from me until Thursday.

Come on, Virginia. Let's go, Florida.

I'm just a wreck, man.

Let it end right.


Ann said...

I barely slept last night...got up at 6am, threw on some clothes and walked across the street in the dark to vote.

I thought that would help my nerves, but it didn't.

What if we get it wrong again?

John Clancy said...

O man.

O maaaaannnn...

Ann said...

I know. And I've been doing news interviews all morning, all keyed up and probably with serious crazy eyes.