Monday, November 16, 2009

kudos all around

Saw The Last Days of Dr. Jekyll over the weekend and it blew my tiny mind. An audience of about forty stands in the middle of the room, scaffolding and platforms against all four walls, actors running through the crowd, the ensemble whispering and morphing through the whole thing. Didn't feel like a play, much more intimate and dangerous, more like an immersion into someone else's dream.

Great work from Peter Clerke, Melanie Stewart and the entire cast and design team. They made my words sing.

And I saw this morning that my old friend Scott Organ has a play at the Humana Festival, something called Phoenix. Scott is a great actor and a wonderful writer, good to see him getting some Louisville love.

Here's an easy MMMQ, since we're all feeling good at the Museum.

According to noted cultural historian Iggy Pop, Raw Power had a baby and they called it:

1. Rock 'n Roll

2. Raw Power, Jr.

3. Thelonius


4. Jim Osterberg


Ann said...

Rock and Roll, baby. Although I think Iggy's first choice would have been heroin...

Rosemoo said...

I'm voting for Raw Power, Jr. Nice and simple.

Ann said...

John! This just in...

Joe Henry will be playing in Philadelphia in March. Have you heard his new CD?

John Clancy said...

No, haven't heard it, but continue to spread the gospel. Is he playing New York?

Ann said...

The New CD is "Blood from Stars".

No NY tour dates announced yet. I remain ever vigilant.