Thursday, January 10, 2008

big blue world

We've been putting the "world-wide" back into the theatrical of late.

Currently scheming with Germany, Scotland, England and Malta yes I said Malta. We're going to Edinburgh at the end of next week for a meeting with the EIF folks and just scheduled a meeting at the Traverse as well. For those who don't know Edinburgh, the Traverse is the one legit theater there, operates year-round and is one of the premiere Fringe venues. They have the best theater bar in the city and the work is always top-notch. We did a week of Horse Country there five years ago. Trying to get them to bite on The Event, a one-man thing I wrote for Matt Oberg.

Germany and England would be for America the Beautiful, the new CJ Hopkins thing. Maybe rehearse in Berlin in June or July and then bring it back for a short run in September.

And Malta. Did I mention Malta? Got a request from Malta for a copy of Fatboy. So I wrote back saying, "You know, we tour. And we ain't never been to Malta." Guy over there seemed interested, so we're talking later this week.

Malta. Had to look it up on the globe, took me about five minutes just to find the bastard.

Would be good to travel around for awhile. Have pretty much been stateside for the last 18 months, with a few short journeys here and there. I've found you appreciate NYC and the good old USA a lot more when you've been away for a stretch.

Yes, our country is going through some severely dark days, but I tell you, it's still the best place to be in the world.

Scrappy Jack a patriot?

You bet your flag-waving ass.


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Anonymous said...

The post is likeable?

Are you a human or some kind of marketing virus thing? Not being rude, I'm genuinely asking. I looked up your address and it didn't really go anywhere.

A hug back, if indeed you have a corporeal form to hug.