Monday, January 14, 2008

auditions Wednesday


I'm seeing some people for the Captain Overlord's Folly workshop at the Ohio in February. Need me some beauties. Here's the breakdown:

Tom Hatcher: 21-25, young handsome romantic lead. English accent, comic, earnest and heroic. Workman, from lowly origins, but a man of energy, principle and honor. Poses a bit, unconsciously, but believes fully in the coming socialist revolution and is prepared to do what it takes to hasten the day.

Sue Chester-Hampshire-Shireshire: 18-22, young pretty romantic lead. English accent, comic, smart and headstrong. A bit spoiled, madly in love with young Tom. Incredibly sexually repressed, just waiting to explode, but still a nice young lady.

Both should be sort of ridiculously attractive, classic young lover types.

Gig is Feb. 4-15, M-F days, showing Feb. 17. 50 bucks a day, don't need everyone every single day.

If you are one of these people or know someone who wants to play around with some very fine artists in February (my whole old regular crew is in the show), email me at and we'll hook it up. Having afternoon auditions at the Kraine and evening auditions upstairs at the Ohio.

Thanks, all.


Anonymous said...

John, I know some kids. Gimme a call.

Anonymous said...

your whole old crew is NOT in the show. Love and feelings of loss, Dave

John Clancy said...


You poor expat bastard.